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New for 2018! Single point of entry and exit is the front gate

New for 2018! Single point of entry and exit is the front gate

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Email from Principal Shane Frank: 

Our number one job is education and our number one focus is always student safety. 

I appreciate everyone’s cooperation in advance this year with regards to traffic safety.  Please follow the directions of the campus supervisors and administrators when entering and leaving our parking lot.  Our system focuses on safety first and requires the cooperation from all drivers.   

There is a change to the drop off area for those of you returning to Colina, this change will impact the drop off near the science gate.  In the interest of student safety, we will be hosting one single point of entry to our campus.  The single point of entry will be the front school gates.  The science gate will not be opened before or after school.  I don’t anticipate much a change in traffic flow as long as you pull all the way forward and we ask that you have your child /children sitting on the passenger side of the vehicle ready to exit.  All students will exit to the sidewalk then walk through the front gates to enter campus.   


A detailed description of entering and exiting procedures as well as a parking lot traffic flow map was included in the August newsletter.  If you would like another one please stop by the counseling office and they would be happy to provide you one.  Safety First!


  • During our busiest times (8:30-9:00 and 3:00-3:30) students may not be dropped off or picked up directly in front of the school.

    • This area by the front curb (Red and Yellow) is for school buses only.

  • Drive toward the Boys & Girls Club and drop students off in the yellow drop off area along the Music Building.

    • Pull as far forward as possible.

    • Do Not let your child out early and walk around the moving cars.

  • Many parents have found it beneficial to have their child walk and meet them a short distance from the school.

  • Others have chosen to pick their child up at 3:30 when the traffic has subsided.

  • Ascension Lutheran has been kind enough to allow us to use their front parking lot only (lot 3). Please respect their wishes and do not drive through their back lot or park in lots 1 or 2.



  • Between the hours of 8:00-9:00 and 3:00-4:00 no one may turn left out of our parking lot onto Hillcrest Drive. An officer from the TOPD routinely writes tickets to vehicles that are illegally parked or illegally turning out of our parking lot between these times.

  • I also discourage people from turning left into our parking lot from Hillcrest Drive. It is dangerous and many times you may have to wait longer. 

  • It is suggested you go down Erbes Road to Thousand Oaks Boulevard to Rancho Road to Hillcrest Drive leading to a nice easy right turn into the parking lot. (SEE MAP ON REVERSE SIDE FOR TRAFIC FLOW)


EAST PARKING LOT (nearest Ascension)

  • Our east lot (near Ascension Lutheran) is for faculty/staff parking only and is closed to all other cars.

  • Students may not be dropped off or picked up in this lot for safety reasons.


I always encourage suggestions; we have been studying the traffic flow at Colina for many years and have found this system works the best.   It will be hectic the first couple of days, but once you decide which of my suggestions works best for you, you will have no problem picking up your child in a safe and timely manner. 


Shane Frank

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Colina Middle School

1500 E Hillcrest Dr, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362, USA

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