This Week
Dear Colina Parent/Guardian
Thanks for a great back to school night last week! It is a relatively quiet week, but here are a few important events:
September 18, 2018 New to School Group for 7th & 8th graders @ lunch in the B&G Club
September 19, 2018 NO SCHOOL Local Holiday
September 20, 2018 New to School Group for 6th graders @ lunch in the B&G Club
September 25, 2018- School Site Council Meeting 330-500pm Colina Library
I am looking for one parent to be part of our School Site Council, if you are interested or need more information regarding School Site Council please email me
September 25, 2018- Washington DC Trip Information Night 7:30 pm Auditorium
September 28, 2018- COTY DAY- Oldie Day
Fall Sports: Please go to our website for Tryout information

Next Week
September 25, 2018- Washington DC Trip Information Night 7:30 pm Auditorium
September 28, 2018- COTY DAY- Oldie Day
3-Make Up Picture Day for staff/students/parent volunteers. All school volunteers must have an ID card and picture taken and have completed the volunteer registration form. More information regarding Volunteering can be found here:
4- Strings Coffee Concert periods 5 & 6. Sign into the office for your badge.
9- Minimum Day
10- Choir Dessert Concert 7 pm Auditorium
11- Outdoor Education Parent Info Meeting 6-7 pm Auditorium
17- GATE Parent Meeting 6-7 pm Auditoritum
19-Band Coffee Concert period A, 1, 3
26-Halloween Carnival 6-9 pm (Current Colina Students Only)
Thank you to the Boys & Girls Club for making these messages possible!