Dear Colina Parent/Guardian
Here is what is happening this week:
10/25- Renaissance Reward for students with A,B,C's and E's,S's Cougar Court after lunch
10/26-Halloween Carnival 6-9 pm (Current Colina Students Only)
In order to ensure that our Halloween festivities at school and at the Carnival are safe and enjoyable for all students, please adhere to the following guidelines:
Students may wear costumes to school on Friday 10/26. Costumes may not be demeaning to any ethnic group, race, religion, nationality, gender, or individual (staff/student) at the school.
Costumes may not cause a significant disruption or distraction to the school program, i.e. no revealing costumes (bathing suits, nightwear etc.)
No props or equipment that would be unsafe, NO WEAPONS or REPLICA WEAPONS are to be brought to school.
No masks or costumes are allowed that would hide the identity of the student.
If you’re not sure about a costume, don’t wear it! If you have questions contact Mrs. Jantz.
10/27- Saturday School 8 am-noon
Ski & Snowboard Club
Permission slips for this year's Ski & Snowboard Club trips to Mountain High are now available. Spots are filling up fast, so be sure to get yours turned in soon!
*Trip dates are 1/11, 1/25, 2/8 & 2/22
For questions, email Beth Anderson at
Carnival: Parent Volunteers Needed
The Halloween Carnival is on Friday, Oct 26, please help make it a fun and successful evening for our students:
Carnival Volunteers: Work the Carnival from 6-9 p.m. Baker Volunteers: Drop off baked goods in the office by 4 p.m. Friday, October 26 Haunted House: Donate decor + bags of leaves - Drop off by Wed, 10/24 in the office Contact for questions or if you can’t sign up online:
In the Sports World : Click below for schedules and standings
Next Week
Red Ribbon Week 10/29-11/2
10/29 Breaking Down the Walls Assembly
10/31 COTY - Wear Red
11/1 Visit to Westlake Elementary for Principal Coffee with 5th grade parents 830 am @ WLE
11/3 Debate Tournament Colina Middle School 8am - 4 pm
Coming Up:
11/5 Emergency Preparedness Drill
11/6 Leadership Students to Annual Middle School Conference
11/6 Election day: Traffic may be more full than normal, due to poling place here at Colina
11/7 Gate Lunchtime Activity
11/8 Visit to Westlake Hills Elementary for Principal Coffee with 5th grade parents 830 am @ WLH
11/9 Westlake High School Marching Band Performance
11/12 Veterans Day- NO SCHOOL
11/13 Minimum Day
11/14 Block Schedule Day Periods 1, 3, 5 All students dismissed at 3:10 this day
11/15 Block Schedule Day Periods 2, 4, 6 Students without a period 6 will be dismissed at 1:30 pm, all other students at 3:10
11/15 Future Cougar Night - Information for incoming 6th grade familes for 19/20 school year.
11/16 End of Trimester 1
11/17 Saturday School
Thank you to the Boys & Girls Club for making these messages possible!