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PTSA Newsletter Oct 2


Colina Middle School PTSA

Cougar Connection

October 2, 2018

In this issue:

  • Calendar

  • Halloween Carnival HELP WANTED!!

  • School Cents

  • Art Reflections

  • Quicklinks



Wednesday 10/3: Make Up Picture Day for staff/students/parent volunteers. All school volunteers must have an ID card and picture taken and have completed the volunteer registration form. More information regarding Volunteering can be found here:

Thursday 10/4:

  • Strings Coffee Concert periods 5 & 6. Sign into the office for your badge.

  • New to school group for 6th graders at lunch in the B&G Club. 

Friday 10/5: Progress Reports are hand carried home and viewable on Q

Monday 10/8: Leadership Day (Web and ASB to TOHS)

Tuesday 10/9: Minimum Day Students without a period 6 are dismissed at 11:55 am all other students will be dismissed at 1:05 pm. Lunch service is provided on these days. 

Wednesday 10/10:

Thursday 10/11: Outdoor Education Parent Info Meeting 6-7 pm Auditorium

Wednesday 10/17: GATE Parent Meeting 6-7 pm Auditoritum

Friday 10/19: Band Coffee Concert period A, 1, 3

Friday 10/26: Halloween Carnival 6-9 pm (Current Colina Students Only)

📷Halloween Carnival HELP WANTED!


The Halloween Carnival is fast approaching (OCT 26th) and we are in need of 1-2 volunteers to head up the Haunted House portion of the event.

If you have not attended in the past - the coordinator would be responsible for planning and constructing the Haunted House which is located under the covered pavilion. Please contact Beth Andrews at

* VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for our Annual Halloween Carnival click link below to sign up!  

📷School Cents


Here are some fun and quick ways to earn points for Colina Middle School


For receipts from these stores via

Go Greek Yogurt

Sugar Nail – Now Open!



Urban Plates


OCTOBER 6, 2018 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Learn more at



Earn points for Colina Middle School when you comment with your school name on any School Cents post.

Offer valid through 10/31/18.


Bring your e-waste for safe disposal to The Oaks on 10/ 20 & 10/21 from 9am-4pm,

located in the east parking lot (former Armstrong Garden Nursery).

Most electronic waste accepted for safe disposal, but points only given on screen items 4" or larger.

You can also drop off your screens prior to 10/17 at the school auditorium, door facing the parking lot, and check-in with Mrs. Chiapuzio, office Manager.

Please tape the short E-Waste PDF form to the screen.

📷Art Reflections Program


The PTSA Reflections Art Program is now underway.  This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the Art Reflections Program. The 2018-19 theme is Heroes Around Me.  Categories for entries include: dance composition, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts.  Due date for entries is October 18, 2018.  Entry guidelines and application forms can be picked up in the Colinalibrary.  For more information contact Robin Tobin at (805) 495-7429 ext. 1018 or

📷Quick Links

PTSA Website:

Conejo Deals:  Find great deals on summer camps, beauty, auto details, and more!  Go to:  and find your deal today.  Use the scroll down menu to let them know Colina Middle School sent you.  A portion of your purchase will be paid to Colina Middle School PTSA.  

Teen Center:  Tutoring opportunities, sports events, and great summer programs are available at the Thousand Oaks Teen Center.  Go to:

Boys & Girls Club:  After school programs available

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